Raw Milk and Dairy Products
Raw Milk Control Programme
The accredited Microbiological & Chemical Laboratories VIOCHIMIKI undertake the laboratory analyses for the quality control of fresh (cow, sheep and goat) milk in the framework of the rules of the CMO.
The laboratories accredited by the NCSD (tests, no. 689) BIOCHIMIKI have the capacity and experience to meet all the needs of microbiological and chemical laboratory analyses on finished products, water, surfaces, equipment and personnel required by the quality assurance system of your unit.
In addition, our consultants have the experience and knowledge to meet your needs for any ISO system consulting support.
Fresh & Pasteurized Milk
S.Y.A.L. (Fat Free Solid Residue)
Total Solids
Co-ingested water
Detection of adulteration
Quantification of adulteration (%)
Detection – presence of inhibitors (antibiotics, etc.)
Somatic cells
Phosphatase test
Cheese & Dairy Products
Proteins (Kjeldahl)
Detection of cowpea adulteration
Detection – presence of inhibitors (antibiotics, etc.)